Thursday, December 8, 2022

Witch Hunting TTRPG Module - Evidence Sheet

The evidence sheet

Still in the rough draft stage, this evidence sheet is to be used in collecting evidence which will be used at trial. The signature at the bottom is to be left blank, as it will be signed by the bonded knight who presents the evidence at trial. Three pieces of evidence are needed, and can be anything relevant including but not limited to witness testimony or physical evidence that the PCs collect.

I like the idea that the PCs are hired to hunt the witches, but since they are not bonded holy knights of The Church, all of it is not technically legal, and therefore can create another interesting layer to the game. The evidence may come into question at trial. If any information is fabricated, omitted, or simply not accurate, this could be uncovered at trial. If this happens, the responsibility falls to the knight who is presenting it at the trial.

I love handouts and maps that the players can hold in their hands. I think it greatly aids game immersion.

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