Thursday, September 29, 2022

FoGAK-YEtEG - A Witch Patron

I'm working on creating witch content, to be used for PCs to hunt witches, or for PC witches/warlocks/clerics. Here is one of the patrons I'm working on...

note: "Numen" is a stat used to measure a character's relationship with their patron, the more the better. Numen points are granted for serving or pleasing a patron, and lost by using powers or displeasing the patron.


The Maw of Old. This impossibly ancient creature does not desire your worship or prayers. It cares only for the harvest of your mouth, freely given. Before the ritual begins the player may sacrifice as many Numen points as they wish to be granted +1 per point on the roll which will take place. The roll is a DC 20 WIS/WILL save and it is save or die, so the player should know the stakes.

Ritual of contact: The witch must be alone, to simulate this the GM may (should) ask the other players to leave the room. To commune with FoGAK-YEtEG a witch must find a fetid and ideally corrupted lake or pond. After creating a rustic altar from a nearby tree stump, the witch must kneel before the altar and close their eyes (make the player close their eyes), which must remain closed for the duration of the ritual. Then the call to FoGAK-YEtEG may begin:

"I call to you beyond time and form, Great YEtEG! Honor me with your blessings, for I willingly offer that which enriches your venerable form!"

At this point the witch must rip a tooth from their own mouth, place it onto the altar, and wait. The player now makes a DC 20 WIS/WILL saving throw, keeping their eyes closed the entire time. (The player may choose to place a D20 into their mouth at the start so it is easy to find).

The witch will stay kneeling before the altar, eyes tightly closed, for as long as it takes FoGAK-YEtEG to rise up from the waters and approach the altar. This could be an hour, a night, two days, FoGAK-YEtEG cares not. It appears in D20 hours. During this this wait the witch may not eat, and may only drink water from the lake or pond. The call may be repeated if the witch feels it appropriate. Let the player sit in silence with their eyes closed after rolling, not knowing if their offering will be deemed acceptable. Describe the wait. Draw it out.

When the creature finally emerges the smell is blasphemously intolerable, even to a witch who practices in such things. Nevertheless the witch must remain still, eyes closed, as the being approaches. Slowly it comes forth, breathing hot breath, only recently re-birthed into its primary form. 

When FoGAK-YEtEG is near, the witch finishes the call: "Accept this offering of me, freely given. I know you will one day consume all that is, all that was, and all that will be. Make me part of you."

If the offering is accepted FoGAK-YEtEG will take the tooth and add it to its own mouth, which is already stuffed with rows and spirals of past such offerings. This produces a sickening wet sound. If the offering is not accepted, the witch is consumed by the creature and dies a terrible death. A roll of 1 is a failure no matter how many Numen were risked. If the player opens their eyes at any point during the ritual, even after an offering is accepted, they will be consumed by FoGAK-YEtEG. All who gaze upon FoGAK-YEtEG are part of FoGAK-YEtEG. If the offering is accepted, take the die that the player rolled, it is now part of FoGAK-YEtEG and no longer the player's property. Or don't do that, either way take the die off the table and make sure the player never sees what they rolled. With the ritual complete the creature will return to the water, only then may the witch open their eyes and rise to accept their boon.

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