Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Feywild Themed Wild Magic Surge Table for 5E Sorcerer

For such an interesting and fun idea, the 5e Wild Magic Sorcerer as written leaves a lot to be desired. Since one of my players chose to play this subclass I've decided to revamp it - starting with the magic surge table. The official surge table in the PHB has 16% negative results, so I kept that ratio here. I wanted an actual d100 table (not a d50 reskinned as d100), so 16 of the results here are bad, with the rest ranging from good to neutral. I have kept a few results from the official table, but the vast majority are new. This table has a Feywild flavor to most of the effects since that is the source of my player's powers, but can easily be reflavored.


  1. You begin to hear orchestral music which changes based on what you are doing. When in combat the music is dramatic and exciting, when you speak it swells with cues punctuating your words. Your life has a dramatic score which lasts 1d6 days. Others nearby can hear this music as well.
  2. Your proficiencies are randomized. You retain the same number of proficient skills, however the DM will randomly assign a new set. This occurs again at dawn of each of the next 1d4 +1 days, after which they reset back to what they originally were.
  3. Roll 1d10, your height changes by that number of inches, even you grow, odd you shrink.
  4. For the next minute you gain 1d6 hp at the start of each of your turns
  5. You grow a long beard made of colorful feathers that remains until you sneeze, at which point it explodes from your face.
  6. Your skin turns a vibrant shade of blue. A remove curse spell can end this effect.
  7. You begin the process of permanently transforming into a Fey being. This process takes 2d10 +5 days, and upon completion you gain the following benefits: magic resistance, +1 CHA, druidcraft (at will), you learn the Sylvan language, and any weapon attacks you make are considered magical. You also go through physical changes as determined by the DM such as growing antlers or horns, your feet transforming into hooves, flowers or vines growing within your hair, ect. You no longer suffer any negative effects caused by traveling to or from the Feywild, and know how to easily find and enter natural passageways into that realm.
  8. An eye appears on your forehead for the next minute, during this time you have advantage on wisdom perception checks that rely on sight.
  9. Roll 2d4 and 2d6. Two groups of faeries appear, the d6s represent the quantity and the d4s represent the seasons (ignoring a repeat) 1-Spring, 2-Summer, 3-Autumn, 4-Winter. The two groups appear in the midst of an argument. This argument progresses at the DM's discretion, but they will begin fighting each other (and possibly the PCs) unless something stops them. How they view the PCs is also up to the DM.
  10. Roll 1d20, your age changes by that many years, even you age, odd you get younger.
  11. You regain 2d10 hit points.
  12. For the next minute you can teleport up to 20 feet as a bonus action.
  13. You cast levitate on yourself.
  14. A unicorn controlled by the DM appears within a space 10 feet from you, then disappears 1 min later.
  15. You can not speak for the next minute. When you try colorful bubbles float out of your mouth.
  16. A spectral shield floats by you for the next minute granting +2 AC.
  17. You are immune to being intoxicated by alcohol for the next 5d6 days.
  18. All of your hair falls out, but grows back after your next long rest. The color has changed drastically (chosen by the DM).
  19. You regain your lowest level expended spell slot.
  20. You regain the spell slot used to cast the spell which caused this surge.
  21. For the next minute you must shout when you speak.
  22. You cast fog cloud centered on yourself. The fog swirls and churns with colors and sparkles.
  23. Up to 3 creatures within 50 feet of you take 4d10 lightening damage.
  24. You are frightened of the nearest creature until the start of your next turn.
  25. Each creature within 50 feet of you becomes invisible. Each creature's invisibility ends if it attacks or casts a spell.
  26. You gain resistance to all damage for the next minute.
  27. A random creature within 50 feet of you becomes poisoned for 1d4 hours.
  28. You glow with a bright light in a 30 ft radius for the next minute. Any creature that ends its turn within 10 feet of you is blinded until the end of its next turn.
  29. You cast polymorph on yourself, if you fail the save (or choose to fail) you turn into a sheep for the spell's duration.
  30. You cast polymorph on yourself, if you fail the save (or choose to fail) you turn into a giant ape for the spell's duration.
  31. You cast polymorph on yourself, if you fail the save (or choose to fail) you turn into a fish for the spell's duration.
  32. You cast polymorph on yourself, if you fail the save (or choose to fail) you turn into any beast of your choice (within the spell's limits) for the spell's duration.
  33. You begin to turn to stone. After 1 hour you gain the effects of the stoneskin spell. When you finish your next long rest you are petrified.
  34. You cast polymorph on yourself, if you fail the save (or choose to fail) you turn into a creature of the DM's choice. At the beginning of each of your turns you change into a different creature again of the DM's choice. This continues for the spell's duration.
  35. Illusory butterflies and flower petals flutter around you for the next minute.
  36. You cast fly on a random creature with 60 feet of you.
  37. Every creature within 30 ft of you makes a CHA saving throw, on a fail the creature transforms into a Fey plant version of themself. This lasts 1d4 hours.
  38. You become invisible for the next minute. During this time other creatures can not hear you. This effect ends if you attack or cast a spell.
  39. If you die within the next hour you immediately come back to life as if by the reincarnate spell.
  40. Your size increases by one size category for the next minute.
  41. Your size decreases by one size category for the next minute.
  42. You are surrounded by faint etherial chamber music for 1d4 days.
  43. You cast confusion on yourself.
  44. You regain all expended sorcery points.
  45. You can take one additional action immediately. 
  46. Each creature within 30 feet of you takes 1d10 necrotic damage. You regain hp equal to the sum of the damage dealt in this way.
  47. You cast conjure fey, no concentration required.
  48. You cast Gate. Roll 1d6, 1- abyss 2 -6 feywild
  49. A gate opens and you see a powerful mage in his tower performing a ritual as if he opened the gate from his end, he is confused and appears angry.
  50. With a loud CRACK a banquet of delicious food appears before you. The plates and cups wobble as they settle from the violence of the conjuring.
  51. A gelatinous cube appears centered on you. DC 12 Dex save or be engulfed. 
  52. You cast control weather.
  53. Chose 1 spell from the sorcerer spell list and add it to your spells known. It must be of a level you can currently cast.
  54. You cast blink, however instead of visiting the astral plane  you visit a random location within the feywild. The rest of the spell functions as it normally would.
  55. You cast conjure woodland beings, summoning 4 pixies.
  56. You cast conjure woodland beings, summoning 1 dryad.
  57. You cast conjure woodland beings, summoning 1 satyr.
  58. You summon 1 chaotic neutral Eladrin Fey, which may regard you as friend, foe, or neutral.
  59. A 100 ft square centered on you is partially plane shifted to a ballroom of the fey court for 1 minute, you appear as ethereal spirits to the beings dancing and drinking there.
  60. You are cursed with a type of Fey lycanthropy. After each long rest make a DC 15 WIS save. On a fail you gain claws with +5 to hit 1d6 + 2 magical slashing damage. The DM may determine any other side effects of this curse.
  61. You are cursed. You have disadvantage on WIS, INT, and CHA saves for 24 hours.
  62. You are cursed. You have disadvantage on all saves for 24 hours.
  63. You are cursed. You have disadvantage on DEX, CON, and STR saves for 24 hours.
  64. You are cursed. Make a WIS save against your own spell DC. On a fail you spend your turn doing nothing but speaking rapid gibberish. You may repeat this save at the start of each turn.
  65. Bright orange magical mold appears rapidly growing all around you in a 60 ft radius on all surfaces. It coats all weapons, adding 1d6 psychic damage to each attack for 1 minute.
  66. Wild magic courses through you, you are stunned. You may make a DC 13 CON save at the start of your next turn, and each subsequent turn to end the effect.
  67. One melee weapon you carry or have in inventory leaps into the air and becomes animated, it continues attacking you for 1 minute unless dispelled or defeated. (flying sword)
  68. Stinking cloud is cast centered on spell target.
  69.  All clothing you are wearing turns to elegant formal wear for 24 hours.
  70. You are magically compelled to dance for 1 minute. Your movement is halved.
  71. Your STR is 20 for the next 24 hours.
  72. Your CHA is 24 for the next 24 hours.
  73. You auto fail your next 3 saving throws.
  74. You auto pass your next 3 saving throws.
  75. Your DEX is 24 for the next 24 hours.
  76. A thunderstorm forms on the horizon. For the next 1d4 days this storm has a radius of 5 miles centered on you, following you if you move.
  77. Magical iridescent rain begins pouring down around you in a 30 ft radius for 1 minute. Ground in this area is considered difficult terrain, and any creature has disadvantage on perception checks to see things in this area.
  78. You cast hypnotic pattern on every creature in a 30 ft radius.
  79. A wave of pain flows over you, you suffer 1 level of exhaustion.
  80. You can not lie or deceive for 1d4 days. 
  81. You suddenly know 1 new spell of a sorcerer level of which you can cast chosen by the DM.
  82. A mysterious ring appears on your finger.
  83. You regain 2 sorcery points.
  84. You gain the ability to play a musical instrument chosen by the DM and have expertise in performance checks to play it.
  85. You notice a satyr watching you from a hedge in your periphery, when you turn to look at him he and the hedge are not there.
  86. The air is thick with blackbirds flapping and cawing. A sphere centered on you with a radius of 30 ft is difficult terrain and all weapon attacks are made at disadvantage. This lasts for 1 minute unless you dismiss the birds sooner.
  87. You can use your meta-magic on the next spell you cast within 1 minute and expend no sorcery pts.
  88. For the next 24 hours, whenever you cast a spell, the DM instead selects another spell you cast instead.
  89. You gain a flying speed equal to your regular speed for 1 hour.
  90. You grow gills, you are amphibious for 1d6 days.
  91. You hear the thoughts of animals for 1d4 days.
  92. You senses begin to bleed into the Feywild. You gain disadvantage on perception checks as you have trouble telling what is real. This lasts 1d4 +1 days.
  93. As you cast the spell time stops. A powerful Archfey appears from around a corner that isn't there, and offers you the opportunity to make a deal, (possibly free levels in Warlock) but of course there is always a catch. Whenever the deal or negotiations are complete time restarts.
  94. Vibrantly colored flowers and grasses grow from the ground anywhere you walk for 1d4 days.
  95. You begin to exude an incredible and distracting aroma lasting 1d4 days. You have advantage on all CHA checks for persuasion, performance, and deception. Also all creatures have disadvantage to save against being charmed by you during this time.
  96. You gain the spell Find Familiar and cast it immediately. The familiar first appears in a form of the DM's choosing and is a fey being.
  97. You have the effects of the Speak With Plants spell non-stop for 1d4 days.
  98. A group of pixies appears and begin to play small, mostly harmless pranks on you and your party. The sprites may come and go as they wish to and from the Feywild (DM's discretion) for 1d4 days.
  99. Roll on this table again, then repeat each time you cast a level 1 or higher spell or higher until you finish a long rest. Ignore this result on subsequent rolls.
  100. Roll on this table at the start of each of your turns for the next minute, ignoring this result on any subsequent rolls.

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